A Trusted Source on Angels
The First Phylum of Angels known Primary Protectors:
“Like all the other phyla, Angels are beautiful and come in many sizes, but mostly they appear to be very tall. They radiate the love and glory of the Holy Spirit and, like all angels, are androgynous in appearance, not showing any gender (p. 36, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia
“With a population of countless trillions, there are far more Angels than any other category, making them the most
likely phylum to enter our lives. Angels are the ones who stand guard around us at night. In fact, they’re often referred to as “night angels” because they come around us
more at that time than in the day time (p. 36-37, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
“They will go to any extremes to protect their charges. The marvelous thing about Angels is that they can transform themselves more than the other phyla can (p. 37, Sylvia
Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
“Angels do have great power. They can move objects, jerk steering wheels, lift cars and they do all these things with molecular disbursement. Even though we’re in a denser environment, Angels, with their higher electrical vibration, can, with God’s help, move us out of harm’s way (p. 37,
Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
Angels are both watchful and perceptive; they constantly keep their gaze fastened on us. They notice every quirk, every flick of an eyelash, every twitch of a nose (p. 39, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
The Second Phylum of Angels known as Archangels:
“Angels serve as the protectorates and activators of daily others. But sometimes even the most powerful Angels need a little help (p. 40, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
“They don’t sweep the other angels away, but when an Archangel appears, all the other angels show a deep respect. Archangels carry what Francine (Browne’s spirit guide)
describes as the baton or scepter of healing (p. 49, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
The Third and Fourth Phylum of Angels known as Cherubim and Seraphim:
“Their element is music, and although some people might not think of music as an element of nature, we need to remember that nature makes its own music (p. 55, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
Cherubim are slightly larger in stature than Seraphim, but both have huge, broad, snowy white wings with rose-colored tips. Their wings stand high above their heads and fold down
closer to their bodies than the wings of Archangels (p. 55, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
“The only other distinction between the two phyla is that Cherubim have a singing ability, while Seraphim have a vibrational and tonal ability (p. 55, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
“The vibrations and tonal qualities of the Cherubim and Seraphim’s music are more than just beautiful and inspiring; they can also be used for healing (p. 58, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
The Fifth Phylum of Angels known as Powers:
“Like Archangels, the fifth phylum of angels, the Powers, have healing as their primary function. Unlike Archangels, though, the Powers don’t need a scepter or green-orbed baton to facilitate healing……What the Archangels can’t do, the Powers can, as they literally surround the person with their
wings (p. 63, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).” “Powers are large in size…..when we call on the Powers, they not only shelter us with their canopy of wings, they give off an electrical or magnetic emanation that goes directly into our bodies and acts as a healing force (p.64, Sylvia
Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
The Sixth Phylum of Angels known as The Carrions:
“This sixth phylum of angels carries away the dark entities
when they die. Dark entities are the ones that separated
from God in the beginning of creation (p. 66, Sylvia
Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
“Carrions, by the way, are beautiful. They’re not the dark
little gnomes portrayed in movies (p. 66, Sylvia Browne’s
Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
The Seventh Phylum of Angels known as The Virtues:
“The seventh phylum of angels, the Virtues, are represented by the dove – signifying peace, love, and the Holy Spirit of communication from both the Father and Mother God. Their stone, silver, is reflected in the color of their wings, whose pale blue tips give off a brilliant, silvery-blue
luminescence. The Virtue’s primary purpose is helping us
with our charts, those blueprints for our lives here on
Earth that we create on the Other Side before we’re born
into an incarnation (p. 72, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels,
Sylvia Browne).”
The Eighth Phylum of Angels known as The Dominions:
“The Dominions, the eighth phylum of angels, oversee our good deeds and actions and record them on a permanent chart known as the Akashic record (p. 80, Sylvia Browne’s Book of
Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
The Ninth and Tenth Phylum of Angels known as The Thrones and
“No phyla are superior to the Thrones and Principalities. They’re truly Mother and Father God’s armies, and they’re by
far the highest, most elevated, and most spiritual of all
the angels (p. 88, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia
“The Thrones and Principalities are usually sent when danger is imminent or when we feel impending mental, physical, emotional, or even psychic harm (p. 88, Sylvia Browne’s Book
of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
“The Thrones belong to Azna, the Mother God, while the Prinicpalities belong to Om, the Father God. The Prinicpalities will come if we call for them, but they’re really the “guardians the gate,” the guardians around Father God. Like Him, they’re static, stately, and sentinel. The
Thrones, like Azna, are much more active (p. 89, Sylvia
Browne’s Book of Angels,
Sylvia Browne).”
“The ninth phylum on the angel chart, the Thrones, are the fighters among the angel phyla. They’re Azna’s army, and like Her, they carry a sword. If we think that only Azna comes when we call Her, we’re very much mistaken…..The
Thrones are Her babies….they’ll always be with Her
regardless of how many other angels are present (p. 89,
Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
“The anima of Father God’s army is the lion, appropriately
symbolic as the king of beasts……and their wings are
gold…..“Principalities are known to have high intelligence,
and they carry golden spears (p. 91, Sylvia Browne’s Book of
Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
“One Principality can knock out and protect us from thousands and thousands of dark entities or any force of negativity around us. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t feel slighted if we call on the Principalities and they don’t come rushing in right away. It’s not because they don’t love
us, but their primary function is to attend to Father God
and be His army. Just as soldiers wouldn’t desert their
king, the Principalities wouldn’t rush to us and leave God
unattended. It isn’t that God the Father isn’t strong enough
to attend to Himself, but the Principalities are a divine
creation that was centered on God the Father. They’re
magnificent and brilliant, but they do serve Him (p. 92,
Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).”
“If God the Father takes on any presence, He chooses not to hold it for any length of time. Francine (Browne’s spirit guide) says that sometimes the only way she can tell He’s present is when the Principalities assemble, almost like a silhouette filled in by God. She has seen His visage, but
only briefly it just has too much power (p. 92, Sylvia
Browne’s Book of Angels, Sylvia Browne).
The Society of Novus Spiritus™© A Question :
I am curious about the difference between Angels and Spirit
I am glad you asked this because this can be confusing. A Spirit Guide is an actual person - like you and me - who had a physical life at one time then passed over to the Other
Side, as we all do upon death. A Guide has their own
identity and life chart just as you do. Then before you come
into a life on Earth you will seek out a friend to "watch
out" for you while you are in life. That friend is your
Spirit Guide, and they remain on the Other Side helping and
protecting you during your journey on Earth. Your Guide is
always with you, they are the little voice of conscience you
often hear nudging you to do the right thing or telling you
to beware. I like the term used by Ruth Montgomery who
called them "companions along the way."
Angels, on the other hand, are special creations made by God who never live a physical life. They all have the same appearance, tall and beautiful, but they do not speak. They
also come to your side when you need help, and will always
come if you simply ask God to send assistance. So if you are
hearing, or even sensing, a voice then it is your Spirit
Guide speaking, not an Angel.
It is a good practice to allow your Guide to read your thoughts. No Guide, nor anyone else, can read your mind until you give them permission. So simply give verbal consent to your Guide allowing them to hear/read your
thoughts and mind. Then they are better able to help you by
knowing your concerns, worries, and hidden issues. If you
simply yell "Help me God" your Guide will not always know
what to do, so by letting them into your mind they can
discern what needs to be done. Also, you can easily get the
name of your Guide in dream state. As you are going to sleep
tell your Guide to implant their name into your mind, then
state to yourself that you will remember that name upon
waking. Do this for at least three nights and you will have
the name. Take your first impression, no matter how odd.
Then you will have more personal chats with your Guide when
you address them by name. However, they don't care what you
call them, give them a name, and use the same name each time
you address them. Francine's real name is Iyena.
Angels are just waiting to be called upon, you can never ask for to many they are waiting.......
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